High increase of promotions in Europe
Across Europe the number of promotions increased significantly in the 2nd Covid Year compared to 2020. In the selected countries FOCUS counted in 2021 more than 9,32 mio. promotions what represents an increase of about 10 % compared to the previous year. Especially in April the rise is unbelievable high (remember: 1st hard lockdowns across Europe in spring 2020).
Within the Food/Drug area in general all countries increased the promotion activities in Europe. In the no. 1 ranked country Italy FOCUS counted about 1,2 Mio. promotions (+ 10 %). Looking at the discounters only shows a more significant increase of promotions. All in all a plus of 17 % was measured from FOCUS in the countries. The share of the discounters is among the FOOD/Drug branch in some countries already near to 40 % – based on the GrossAdvertisingValue, which represents the quality of promotions and therefore includes facts such as Reach of Leaflets, Size and MediaType.